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2.oppor11陈伟霆广告音乐是什么歌 oppo陈伟霆热巴新广告歌曲名字






       1.oppo 第一个手机的广告歌曲、歌曲名是《对不起我爱你》的主题歌,即朴孝信唱的《雪之花》

       2.oppo real 音乐手机的广告歌曲(bobo代言的)、歌曲名是bobo的 《恋爱新手》

       3.oppo real 音乐手机的广告歌曲(sw-j代言的)、歌曲名是 sj-m的《谜》

       4.oppo ulike style 手机广告歌曲(这个是最新的)。歌曲名是小红莓的 《Dreams》


oppor11陈伟霆广告音乐是什么歌 oppo陈伟霆热巴新广告歌曲名字

       oppo find5 就是那个有萤火虫广告的背景音乐是:boats(swept away)

       歌名:boats(swept away)

       专辑:《time to leave》

       歌手: I am not lefthanded

       发行时间: 2009年11月28日

       专辑类别: EP、单曲


       Make a wish on whispered stars

       For a road and faster car.

       And wait, see if it comes true

       For a house on distant streets

       Dream of nights in softer sheets

       This beach, will wait

       So I know you're tired,

       So leave it to the tide,

       And at next light,

       When weather's right,

       Come sailing home

       Let the dark subside,

       Just leave it to one side,

       I'm on your side,

       When weather's right,

       Come sailing home again

       Walk the land and see the shore

       Think of less and want for more

       And wait, to keep the grey from blue

       In a house on distant streets

       Someone dreams a distant beach

       And waits, they wait

       So I know you're tired,

       So leave it to the tide,

       And at next light,

       When weather's right,

       Come sailing home

       Let the dark subside,

       Just leave it to one side,

       I'm on your side,

       When weather's right,

       You'll see it swept away

       You'll see it swept away



       OPPO R11广告背景音乐名为:I Am mine - Brooke waggoner



       For the sorries, oh the sorries of your soul


       They are the worries are the worries of my household


       I hear the wind a howlin' at my swinging door


       But at your house the weather's pleasant, nothing more


       I am behind


       I am behind


       Oh never mind will I pine

       不要介意 我不愿渴求

       For I am mine

       因为 我拥有自我

       Oh the time is near for you to romance every boy


       While I am still a learning how I should be coy


       And you decided you would educate me


       While conversing over a nice pot of tea

       喝着茶的你 这么谈着

       I am behind


       I am behind


       Oh never mind will I pine

       但不要介意 我不愿渴求

       For I am mine

       因为 我拥有自我

       I am behind


       I am behind


       Oh never mind will I pine


       For I am mine

       因为 我拥有自我

       I am behind


       I am behind


       ②Brooke Waggoner是一个美国音乐钢琴才女,从四岁开始与钢琴为伴,作品吸收民谣与古典元素,又由弦乐伴奏,主要作品有Young Friend、Heal for the Honey。











       发行公司:Click Music

